Pan Software Announces RiskWare Academy

Posted by Riskology on 14/08/19 09:20

Pan Software is pleased to announce the launch of RiskWare Academy, offering a range of courses designed to train RiskWare users on every key aspect of the software. Hosted at our on-site training centre in our Hawthorn office, fondly referred to as the #Panplex, the courses are led by on-staff RiskWare experts and follow a hands-on approach, working through real-life examples and scenarios. 

Visualise Your Control Environment Better: Visit the Control Library

Posted by Riskology on 31/05/19 09:30

With greater focus being placed on the risk control environment these days, the challenge for a lot of risk managers is how to be across everything. The big benefit to living in the information age is that technology can be used to create a virtual centralised model via a decentralised approach.

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